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This page explains how to install ERC-4337 Relayer Snap.

Software Prerequisites

To install ERC-4337 Snap, you must install the MetaMask Flask browser extension.

Install the MetaMask Flask browser extension

MetaMask Flask is an experimental playground that provides developers access to upcoming MetaMask features. It is available as a browser extension.

Snaps is the first feature rolled out in the Flask environment.

Install in a new browser profile

Install the Metamask Flask browser extension in a new browser profile, or disable any existing installed versions of MetaMask before installing Flask. Running multiple instances of MetaMask in the same browser profile breaks dapp interactions.

Install the ERC-4337 Relayer Snap

We are currently in the process of finalizing the development and preparing for the launch. To ensure you don't miss out on being among the first to experience the software, we invite you to join our waiting list.


We invite you to actively participate in the development of this software. You can contribute by providing feedback, reporting issues, or even submitting code changes. Visit our GitHub repository to get involved.